happy woman smiling

in Beverly Hills

Step into a world where breathing comes easy and snoring is long forgotten. At Eos ENT, we specialize in Septoplasty, a life-enhancing procedure designed with your well-being in mind.


What is a Septoplasty?

Ever heard about celebrities blaming a deviated septum to disguise a nose job? There's no shame in wanting to enhance your appearance but let's get real – a deviated septum is no joke and a Septoplasty is a restorative treatment that doesn’t actually change the appearance of your nose. This procedure tackles the root cause of breathing difficulties, chronic sinus issues, and disrupted sleep – the deviated septum. By straightening out your nasal passage, Dr. Nima can improve your breathing and overall health.

Dr. Nima and his staff were so warm and caring during my time at the surgery center. Each if them took time to answer any questions that I had, which was so appreciated right before surgery! I highly recommend Dr. Nima and his amazing team. He is truly an artist, and you will be in good hands!


Dr. Nima and his team are truly the best of the best! The facility is gorgeous, the staff are incredibly professional and knowledgeable, and the entire experience with whole team has been seamless (shoutout to Jaclyn as the best nurse and Monica/Tracy as well). I can’t recommend Eos Wellness enough, as my experience with them has been a dream.


I had the most seamless "VIP" experience! The surgery center is pristine and beautiful with an amazing view of Beverly Hills and the Hollywood Hills from the actual operating room. I was nervous leading up to my surgery but felt very comfortable once I arrived at the surgery center. Dr. Nima's amazing and caring staff were all extremely attentive. I definitely feel like I received top-notch care in a top-notch facility!


Benefits of Septoplasty

Are you a candidate for a Septoplasty?

If the symptoms of a deviated septum resonate with you, a Septoplasty consultation with Dr. Nima could be the first step toward a more comfortable, fulfilling life. Reach out to us, and let's discuss your needs.

The Septoplasty Process


Pre-Operative Evaluation

The process begins with a thorough pre-operative evaluation, where Dr. Nima conducts a detailed examination of your nasal structure, discusses your medical history, and uses state-of-the-art imaging to understand your septal deviation. The exam is a painless process that less than a minute and simply involves looking inside your nose to assess the septum. For patients who do suffer from a deviated septum, Dr. Nima will carefully review your options with you and work with you to develop a plan to correct the problem. This is usually covered by insurance.


The Surgery Experience

On the day of the surgery, you'll be in the skilled hands of our medical team, who prioritize your comfort and safety above all. The procedure, typically lasting one to two hours, is performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, Dr. Nima makes a small incision inside the nose resulting in no visible scar. The deviated portion of the cartilage is isolated and either removed or shifted back into place to correct breathing problems. Dissolvable sutures are used, and there is no uncomfortable nasal packing afterward.


Comprehensive Aftercare

Post-surgery, you'll receive detailed aftercare instructions and support from our team. We provide guidance on everything from pain management to activity restrictions, ensuring your recovery is as comfortable and efficient as possible. You should immediately enjoy easier breathing through your nose, sounder sleep, and improved stamina. Of course, if you should have post-operative concerns, we welcome a return visit.


How long until I can return to daily activities?

Recovery varies by individual, but most patients find they can return to non-strenuous activities within a few days. It's important to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise for several weeks to ensure proper healing. Dr. Nima provides customized advice based on your specific situation and progress.

What are the risks associated with Septoplasty?

Like any surgical procedure, Septoplasty carries some risks, such as bleeding, infection, or an adverse reaction to anesthesia. However, under the expertise of Dr. Nima, these risks are minimized. Pre-surgical consultations are thorough, allowing Dr. Nima to understand your medical history, concerns, and goals fully.

This understanding aids in tailoring the procedure to you, further minimizing risks. Post-operative care is equally critical to a successful outcome. Our team provides comprehensive follow-up care, including detailed instructions for at-home care, pain management, and activities to avoid during recovery, ensuring that you have the support and guidance you need, every step of the way.

Breathe Freely, Sleep Soundly, Live Fully